Airmid Place
Airmid is the Celtic goddess of healing. We choose the name to honor our families Irish roots while still communicating our goal of providing healing to local wildelife.
Our Mission:
To rehabilitate native Ohio wildlife and migratory birds for return to the wild; to preserve and restore native habitats; to educate youth and adults about the importance of wildlife and ecosystems by engaging them in projects and activities that contribute to the well-being of our natural environment and inspire them to take action to protect it; and to support others engaged in similar projects and activities.
Our Vision:
To create a community in which wildlife and natural habitats are valued and protected and in which youth are educated and inspired to become leaders in environmental conservation and the sciences.
Our Values:
Education is the key to the preservation of native wildlife and ecosystems and to the elimination of conflict between people and wildlife.
All animals should be treated with dignity and respect.
Wild animals deserve the opportunity to live natural lives in native habitats.
Youth and adults engaged in volunteer service learn respect for people, animals, and the environment.
We are proud to partner with and work close with these following organizations. Please CLICK on thier image to learn more about them.
COSHOCTON COUNTY WILDLIFE OFFICER: Jerrod Allison, (740) 589-9982